Eastern Indiana DistrictEIDTPA Logo Tractor Pullers Association is a group of men/women pulling antique tractors. The tractors out there are like the John Deere A, Farmall 706, Oliver 1800+, Farmall 460, Case 400, John Deere 60 and many more. These sleds are not like any normal sled you see at your normal county fair, but it is a dead weight sled. This sled has no wheels or gears. The sled is a plateform with two chain on each end with cement blocks. The object of the pulling is to pull the farthest to win the class. A full pull is 15 ft. The common name for this type of pulling is called Dead Weight Tractor Pulling.


The logo was establish in the March Meeting 2011.  The design came from two different designs when the logo was being pick.  One of the designs had the oval with Indiana and the wording, but the center was fill in big letter of EIDTPA.  The second design was the cutout of the tractor and sled with wording below the cutout.  The Association decided that they like both and combine them.  Later that year, the EIDTPA had t-shirts made with the logo.  Fun fact the two men in the logo were President and Vice President that year.


Back in the day, the EIDTPA moved from farm to farm. Now, we stay at the Niedenthal’s farm. Click here for the different locations.