2019 March Meeting

Highlights: Not to use Steam Show as a Make-Up day, Rule #9 changed, and Richard Pruitt was elected IT Coordinator. Thank you Tim for hosting.

The EIDTPA March meeting was the 16th of March. Tim Moran hosted it at his shop. The food was chili, and other dishes brought by pullers. After the meal, the meeting started and it was decided that July 6th would be the first weekend for pulling if the wheat was harvested, and everything was set up. We will not use steam show as a make-up day, and the season will end on August 24th. The EIDTPA will help with the pull at steam show. Rule#9 was amended to if a tractor dies and will not start that hitch is disqualified. No adding gas, jumping, etc. If a tractor gets locked in gear before the pull, they have 3 minutes to get it fixed before it is disqualified. If the tractor is stuck in gear after the pull automatic disqualified. Puller still has option to complete pull but it will still be recorded as a disqualified. Richard Pruitt was elected our IT Coordinator. We will be getting t- shirts and koozies this year. Let Devon or Jack know if you want one. Overall the 2019 march meeting was very successful.

If you want to see passed March Meetings, click here.

2019 March Meeting Minutes are in the link below.

EIDTPA Minutes 2019.pdf